Web hosting is in translation the accommodation of a website that is, the entire internet content on a web server so that they are accessible to everyone.
Features | Basic | Medium | Premium |
Disk space | 5 GB | 10 GB | 30 GB |
Number of domains | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Number of subdomains | 1 | unlimited | unlimited |
Support 14/5 | unlimited | unlimited | unlimited |
Monthly traffic | unlimited | unlimited | unlimited |
Email account number | 1 | 3 | 5 |
E-mail space per mailbox | Limited by the capacity of the leased disk | Limited by the capacity of the leased diska | Limited by the capacity of the leased disk |
Number of FTP Accounts | 1 | unlimited | unlimited |
Uptime SLA | 99.99% | 99.99% | 99.99% |
Operating system | Linux | Linux | Linux |
Hosting Control Panel | Plesk | Plesk | Plesk |
SSL Certificate | Yes | Yes | Yes |
VirusAlert monitoring | Yes | Yes | Yes |
"On Click Install Apps (Joomla, WordPress, Concrete5, DotNetNuke, SuiteCRM, …)" | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Antispam and Antivirus protection | Yes | Yes | Yes |
"Platform supports: pop3, imap, webmail, e-mail forwarding, white/black lists" | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Support for php 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 8.0.8 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Service activation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Free automatic backup for all Hosting packages | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Price | 150EUR | 200 EUR | 300 EUR |
Ad Kraft Web Hosting service provides the Basic level of support, which is included in the annual lease of Ad Kraft Web Hosting. For additional support services that are defined at the request of the client, Ad Kraft provides a Premium level of support that is additionally invoiced (85.00 EUR/ hour engineer).
This level of support is invoiced once according to the time spent - offer on request.
Ad Kraft web hosting platforms are stable, represent the best price-quality ratio, meet the highest standards. Choose a Web hosting package according to your needs.